Regret Taking the Abortion Pill?
Published on: March 01, 2024
by: Gateway Staff
Abortion Information | Abortion Pill | Pregnancy Decisions | Pregnancy Support

Second thoughts after taking the Abortion Pill?

It may be common to hear people say “SHOUT your abortion”. Some women feel far from confident- some even feel an immediate sense of regret. Perhaps you found out you were pregnant after missing a period and you quickly ordered the abortion pills by mail. After the first dose of the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) an overwhelming wave of regret has come over you and you wish you could take it back. If so, you aren’t the first to feel this way.

It’s your choice to change your mind and Gateway Women’s Care may be able to help.

There is a safe process called abortion pill reversal.

Using the natural hormone progesterone, medical professionals have been able to save 64-68% of pregnancies through abortion pill reversal after the first dose of the abortion pill.

Time is of the essence. Contact us and we can talk to you and offer you help.

We know that an unplanned pregnancy can be scary and many women make the decision to terminate pregnancy when they are terrified and stressed. We also know that after receiving the first abortion pill at a women’s clinic and taking it, some women regret their choice and want to reverse it. That’s where abortion pill reversal comes in and we can walk alongside you.


Our 24/7 helpline will connect you with one of our medical professionals who can guide you towards reversing the effects of the abortion pill. We will help you every step of the way.

Call one of our offices to get connected today:
Raleigh 919-833-0096 | Durham 919-251-9444 | Chapel Hill 919-537-8220
After hours nurse – 919-228-9194