Pregnancy Services
Lab Quality Pregnancy Test
FREE Pregnancy Services
If you think you might be pregnant, come and take one of our FREE, lab quality diagnostic pregnancy tests and have our medical professional confirm your test results.
If you are interested in pre-abortion services, your first step is a lab quality diagnostic pregnancy test that confirms you are pregnant.
If your pregnancy test is positive, our nurse can discuss some next steps with you that may include you having a free ultrasound to help you find out exactly how far along you are.
Limited Ultrasound
FREE Limited Ultrasound
We provide FREE, limited ultrasounds to our qualified clients to find out how far along you are.
If you are seeking pre-abortion services, an ultrasound is essential to let you know exactly how far along you are and for which abortion procedure you may qualify.
Having an ultrasound with us gives you the benefit of confidential, personalized time with our caring nurses – no conversation is off limits.