Dreading Having an Abortion?
Published on: December 15, 2024
by: Gateway Staff
Abortion Information | Pregnancy Decisions

Sometimes, when you find yourself facing an unintended pregnancy, abortion really does seem like your only option. Maybe you’ve done your research and the abortion information you’ve found is unsettling; or perhaps you’ve visited the women’s abortion clinic before and vowed to never go back. But even still, you know there is no way you can have a child right now whether it’s due to lack of financial capacity to support a child, your own age, or life circumstances. Getting an abortion seems like the solution and, yet still, the thought of an abortion procedure puts your stomach in knots and you feel stuck.

There is another option to consider.

Making an alternate parenting plan may not be your first thought if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy. Some are even adamantly against it, but it may be worth a second thought. You might be pleased to know you have lots of choices within adoption as YOU get to choose who will parent your child. Will it be open, semi-open or closed? Will it be private or will you use an agency? These are all things you get to decide.

An alternate parenting or adoption plan may be the right choice for you once you have evaluated your pregnancy options and you know that you are not ready to be a parent and do not want to terminate the pregnancy. In today’s adoptions, you can select the family for your child, you can know your child and be a part of your child’s life, if you so choose. With any type of adoption, you can have the peace of knowing your choice has given your child a future.

Many pregnant teens and women who make an alternate parenting plan are able to finish their schooling, have better jobs and find satisfaction with their decision for adoption.

Each year thousands of women in America make this courageous choice.

Call Gateway Women’s Care to discuss your pregnancy options and if adoption is the right choice for you. We are here to help.

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